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Date: 1-10-90
Description:  filmed live concert
Title: Nearly Human - Live in Japan
Location: Tokyo Sun Plaza Toyko Japan
Lineup: Todd Rundgren and back-up band
Quality: A+
Format: 1 DVD
Format: 2 CD

1. Real Man
2. Unloved Children
3. Parallel Lines
4. Can't Stop Running
5. Compassion
6. Secret Society
7. Something To Fall Back On
8. Love Of The Common Man
9. Can We Still Be Friends?
10. Mated
11. The Waiting Game
12. Love In Action
13. Rock Love

14. Hawking
15. Want of a Nail
16. Hello Its Me

17. I Love My Life


Date: 1-31-90
Description:  live concert
Location: Tipitinas, New Orleans
Lineup: Todd Rundgren and back-up band
Quality: A
Format: 2 CD

1. Real Man
2. Parallel Lines
3. Can't Stop Running
4. Compassion
5. Secret Society
6. Something To Fall Back On
7. Love Of The Common Man
8. Tiny Demons
9. Cliche'

10. Can We Still Be Friends?
11. The Waiting Game
12. Lost Horizon  > Marvin Gaye Medley >
13. Rock Love

14. Want of a Nail

Comments: good sound, but Todd's voice is a bit hoarse on this in some places. Lots of comments between songs. A good, hopping Rock Love.

Date: 6-29-90  
Description: live concert
Location: Ventura Theatre, Ventura CA
Lineup: Todd Rundgren with back-up band
Quality: A
Format: 2 CD

CD One  

1. Love Science
2. Change Myself
3. Can't Stop Running
4. Smell Of Money
5. If I Have To Be Alone
6. Love In Disguise
7. Real Man
8. Unloved Children
9. Jesse
10. Play This Game
11. Love In Action
12. Gaya's Crying

CD Two

13. 2nd Win
14. Want of a Nail
14. Public Servant


Bammies: Outstanding Keyboardist or Synthesist Award
Waiting Game
Want of a Nail
Outstanding Male Vocalist Award
KNBR 1/90 Interview
KFOG Interview from Christmas of '89


Date: 7-2-90  
Description: live concert
Location:The Catalyst, Santa Cruz
Lineup: Todd Rundgren with back-up band
Quality: A-
Format: 2 CD

CD One  

1. Love Science
2. Change Myself
3. Can't Stop Running
4. Smell Of Money
5. If I Have To Be Alone
6. Love In Disguise
7. Real Man
8. Unloved Children
9. Jesse
10. Love of the Common Man
11. Tiny Demons
12. Whose Sorry Now
14. Kindness

CD Two

1. Love in Action (distortion)
2. Gaya's Crying (distortion)
3. 2nd Wind
4. Want of a Nail
5. Band intros
6. Public Servant 

Comments: this could be a board recording, I'm not sure. Track 4 starts off rough. As mentioned, Love and Gaya is bad throughout, too bad.

Date: 7-12-90
Description: recording session with live audience
Location: Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, CA
Lineup: Todd Rundgren and back-up band
Quality: A
Format: 2 CD

Cd One:

Love Science.
Whos Sorry Now (Take 1-3)
Change Myself (Take 1-2)

Cd Two:

The Smell Of Money
If I Have To Be Alone (Take 1-3) Love In Disguise
Gayas Eyes
Who's Sorry Now? (Take 4)
Voting Rap
2nd Wind (Takes 1-2)
Public Servant.

Date: 7-?-90
Description: recording session with live audience, mostly filmed on Todd with full versions of songs, a feature which was lacking in the official release.
Location: Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco, CA
Lineup: Todd Rundgren and back-up band
Quality: B
Format: 1 VCD to DVD
Format: 1 VCD
Format: 1 VHS

Love Science
Charge Myself
Intro to Musicians
Who's Sorry Now
If I Have to Be Alone

The Smell of Money
Love in Disguise


audio only of 2nd Wind Rehearsel, date unknown, dvd only

Todd Rundgren: Music Live


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