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This is my best guess at determing quality. Product may contain any or all of the descriptions below.

A: Excellent Quality

-excellent pro/audience
official release
-may be
-may be audience
-video sharp, lots of detail, if aud steady hand
-very clear sound, highs, dynamics
-very little yap, no yap
-very good video resolution
- maybe broadcast, soundboard, digital/good tape source
-first/near first generation

A+: exceptional,  outstanding in its sound or picuture quality,  OFFICIAL, A+ is the hightest rating of a product, no +'s for other grades

  non-exceptional, flawed in its sound or picture quality in some way such as distortion or picture bends, etc, occasional pops, etc.

B: Good Quality

-good pro/audience
official release
-may be
-may be audience

-video not very sharp, not a lot of detal, if aud maybe not so -steady hand
-not very clear sound/highs/dynamics, slightly muffled

-a bit of yap
-low video resolution due to source
-maybe a a few generations away from first

B-  non-exceptional, flawed in its sound or picture quality in some way such as occassional distortion or picture bends, etc.

C Okay Quality

-okay pro/audience
official release
-may be
-may be audience
-video very low sharpness, very little detal, if aud could extreme moving around
- very unclear sound/highs/dynamics, very muffled

-a lot of yap
- very low video resolution due to source
-usually a few generations away from first

C- non-exceptional, flawed in its sound or picture quality in some way such as occassional distortion or picture bends, etc.


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